A former IBM electrical engineer has designed this retrofit kit that he claims can transform existing automobiles into hybrids by placing an electric motor inside each wheel, thereby doubling gas mileage. The motors would be powered by extra batteries installed in the automobile's trunk. Charles Perry, a former IBM product development researcher, recently received first prize for his invention at a green energy competition at the Tennessee Technology Development Corp. The patent pending Plug-in Hybrid Retrofit Kit will be developed into a commercial product by Palmer Labs LLC (Reston, Va.). Perry and associates hope to market the retrofit kit directly to consumers, who can install it themselves, as well as to shops who would do the installation fo you. The also hope to sell the kit wholesale to car dealers and even car manufacturers, so that when you buy a car you can add the "hybrid option" to your new or used vehicle.
Text: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=218102253