Plastic electronics has been beckoning for a decade, but slow speed and longevity has slowed actual deployment of many applications--this new architecture could help. Look for flexible plastic transistors to make to to primetime by the end of the decade. R. Colin Johnson @NextGenLog
Georgia Tech expects future plastic transistors on flexible substrates to be enabled by a novel bilayer gate dielectric.
Here is what my EETimes story says about plastic electronics: Bilayer-gate insulators solve the problems associated with building plastic transistors on flexible organic substrates, according to Georgia Institute of Technology, which has developed a new method for stacking two gate dielectric materials that cancel out the drawbacks of each, resulting in relatively fast, stable plastic transistors with high current carrying capabilities. The Georgia Tech researchers predict their transistors will be useful in applications such as smart bandages, RFID tags, plastic solar cells, light emitters for smart cards and other applications requiring flexible ultra-stable electronics...
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