Here is what BCC says about graphene: According to a new technical market research report from BCC Research (www.bccresearch.com), the global market for graphene-based products is projected to reach $122.9 million in 2017 and $986.7 million in 2022, increasing at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 51.7%.
The global graphene products market can be split into seven segments: capacitors, structural materials, high-performance computing, displays, photovoltaics, thermal management, and other graphene-based products.
The segment made up of capacitors is projected to be the largest segment in 2022. Capacitors are expected to increase from $31 million in value in 2017 to $410 million in 2022, a CAGR of 67.6%.
Structural materials are expected to jump from $44.5 million in 2017 to $167.6 million in 2022, a CAGR of 30.4%.
Together, the high-performance computing, displays, photovoltaics ,and thermal management segments should account for $44.4 million in 2017, and by 2022 these segments should collectively total $203.9 million, with high-performance computing having the largest CAGR of 40.1%.
Other graphene products, while expected to total only $3 million in 2017, are expected to rise at a CAGR of 132.8% and reach a value of $205.2 million in 2022.
Graphene is a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon whose strength, flexibility, and electrical conductivity have opened up new horizons for high-energy particle physics research and electronic, optical, and energy applications.
Potential electronics applications of graphene include ultrasmall transistors, superdense data storage, touch screens, and wearable electronics. In the energy field, potential applications include ultracapacitors to store and transmit electrical power, and highly-efficient solar cells.
Some researchers argue that graphene’s greatest potential lies in its ability to conduct light as well as electricity. They believe that graphene can improve the efficiency of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and aid in the production of next-generation devices such as flexible touch screens, photodetectors, and ultrafast lasers.
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