Here is what Smarter Technology says about its optical sensor technology: From atmospheric pollution to signs of disease in human breath, IBM Research has retooled its silicon chip processing capabilities to tackle light amplification for the mid-infrared band. Used in trace gas-sensing systems, it can detect minute amounts of nearly any substance. Mid-infrared beacons cause molecules to vibrate in distinctive patterns, allowing that substance's composition to be read from its signature. IBM's mid-infrared optical amplifier is designed to boost the signal from these slight vibrations, making these detectors much more sensitive. In theory, if mid-infrared light could be amplified sufficiently, then spectroscopy could be made sensitive enough to diagnose a patient's disease from the molecules in his/her breath. Today, mid-infrared sensors are used for applications like semiconductor inspection, test and measurement, chemical and petrochemical detection, and homeland security. Unfortunately, the equipment used to sense with mid-infrared wavelengths presently is bulky and expensive. By crafting silicon chips with waveguides, optical gratings, and mixers, IBM Research hopes to lower the price, power consumption, and size of mid-infrared sensors...
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-97xb