Every major semiconductor category—i.e., microcomponents, logic, analog, discretes and optical and sensors—is projected to rise by more than 25 percent in 2010.
Here is what EETimes says about the semiconductor market: Market research firm ISuppli Corp. again raised its forecast for the semiconductor market this year, saying it now expects revenue for the industry to hit $310.3 billion, up 35 percent from 2009. The forecasted $80.7 billion increase compared to last year would be the largest annual increase in dollar terms in the semiconductor industry's history, according to iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.). Last week, rival market research firm IC Insights Inc. (Scottsdale, Ariz.) also predicted that chip industry revenue would rise by a record amount in 2010. Last week, market research firm VLSI Research Inc. also raised its forecast for the 2010 chip market, saying it expects the market to increase by 30 percent this year despite looking market uncertainty...
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-aXDa