Mercury computers systems is the first original equipment maker (OEM) to take the steps necessary to transform Intel's server-grade Xeon processors into embedded computers, by soldering down the chips, sinking the excess heat and integrating signal-processing data channels. Look for the first embedded Xeon processor solutions for avionics, satellite and military applications in 2011. RColinJohnson, Kyoto Prize Fellow, @NextGenLog
OpenVPX module squeezes two Intel Xeon processors (brown) each with four cores and six gigabyte (white) into an inch-high 6U rack |
Here is what EETimes says about embedded Xeon's: Intel has been touting its server-class Xeon processors as an embedded solution platform for advanced pattern recognition tasks, for instance inside the receiver for radar, video, audio or other sensor signals. Today those signal processing tasks are assigned to ground-based computers necessitating a high-bandwidth connection between it and the sensor.
Embedded pattern recognition can be performed by two quad-core Xeon processors (pink) each with 6Gbyte of RAM (blue) and and FPGA (brown) to offload PCIx to RapidIO and Ethernet. |
Putting a Xeon processor in a ruddegized embedded platform enables avionics, space, surveillance and military pattern recognition tasks to be performed in the field rather than back at the data center, powering applications like detecting IEDs (improvised explosive devices) with a Xeon inside a Hummer.
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