Just a single exhalation into a medical breathalyzer being developed at Stony Brook University could instantly diagnose patients for cholesterol levels, diabetes and even lung cancer. Look for a revolution in Dr. McCoy-style medical scanners over rest of the decade. RColinJohnson, Kyoto Prize Fellow @NextGenLog
Recent Stony Brook University doctoral graduate Krithika Kalyanasundaram demonstrates the medical breathalyzer which she developed with professor Perena Gouma to detect disease. |
Here is what Smarter Technology says about breathalyzers: Using nanoscale sensors developed in the Center for Nanomaterials and Sensor Development, researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have designed medical breathalyzers that recognize signal gases in a single exhalation. Specific sensors could potentially be crafted for nearly any disease, according to the researchers. The National Science Foundation is currently funding pre-clinical trials for a diabetes breathalyzer.
Perena Gouma is the brainchild at Stony Brook University who believes a medical breathalyzer can detect disease just by exhaling into it. |
A single-breath exhalation has over 300 identifiable gases, according to lead researcher, Prof. Perena Gouma, director of Stony Brook's Center for Nanomaterials and Sensor Development. The key to identifying disease is developing a sensor for a gas that is only present in the breath for those infected—called a signal gas—such as acetone, which indicates a diabetic's blood sugar level.
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-aOyA