FindMyCarSmarter app works with a Bluetooth dongle to automatically remember where you parked your car, showing its location on a map.
Here is what FindMyCarSmarter says about its second generation app:
We’ve introduced a system that uses the Bluetooth Smart radio in the iPhone 4S to automatically mark your car's location whenever you park. Our app runs in the background so there is need to pull out and fidget with your phone each and every time you park. It’s almost magical the way your phone just knows where your car is parked. The only time you need to launch our app is after you've realized that you have lost your car, not before.
We think this is a great usage of the technologies already in the iPhone leveraged to enhance people's lives. Find My Car Smarter helps people every day by saving time and reducing hassle in their already stressful lives.
Since our Kickstarter funding we’ve gone through and revamped our user interface, added features like Dropbox syncing that allows users to view the parked location of a shared car, automatic parking metering & street sweeping alarms.
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