The biggest use of electricity is wastewater treatment, while the second largest user of water is energy production, so if you can find a way to generate energy from wastewater you are "in business" according to UC Researchers Bob Voorhees and Dan Hassett. By genetically engineering superbugs that clean wastewater while generating electricity,
Pilus Energy is commercializing this green technologies that cleans up the environment while mitigating global warming: R. Colin Johnson
UC Researchers Bob Voorhees and Dan Hassett (in visor) work on developing superbugs to clean wastewater and generate electricity.Here is what Cincinnati's WVXU says about electricity from wastewater: Cincinnati scientists are engineering special bugs that will clean wastewater and create energy. Ann Thompson takes you into the lab where this is happening in Focus on Technology. Click "further reading" below to listen to her radio broadcast:
Further Reading