"TERAHERTZ: SiGe process tapped for 'X-ray vision'"
Russian and U.S. academics are collaborating to develop terahertz silicon germanium chips for "X-ray vision" systems that could peer through suitcases and clothing to identify weapons, through clouds to guide aircraft and through skin to pinpoint cancer. The researchers foresee the chips' use in terahertz scanning spectrometers, just now coming over the technological horizon. "We are very excited about collaborating with our Russian colleagues. We will combine their work on the theoretical side with our work using SiGe to improve three different types of terahertz emitter chips we have designed," said James Kolodzey, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Delaware (Newark). Kolodzey's counterpart in Russia is Miron Kagan, director of the Russian Academy's Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (Moscow). That institute in turn collaborates with the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute (St. Petersburg).
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