Texas Instruments has been the legendary leader in semiconductor chips since the beginning of time, it seems, but not a relative youngster--Qualcomm--has booted them out of third place behind Intel and Samsung: R. Colin Johnson @NextGenLog
Despite the overall two percent drop in semiconductor sales worldwide, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Sony, NXP, nVidia and MediaTek all raised their ranking with positive growth in chips for mobile devices.
Here is what EETimes says about Qualcomm and TI: Despite the poor outlook for semiconductors this year, with more than 59 percent of 157 chip suppliers expected to experience revenue declines, one bright spot was booming mobile devices. At the top of mobile is Qualcomm, which is edged out Texas Instruments according to IHS iSuppli taking the third spot behind Intel and Samsung Electronics, which have been the top two chip makers for several years.
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