Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"MEMS: devices to feel impact of consumer slowdown"
MEMS device growth will experience an impact from the credit crisis, since consumer products make up more than 50 percent of the MEMS market, a new report from The Information Network predicts. Neverthess, The Global MEMS Device, Equipment, and Materials Markets: Forecasts and Strategies estimates that new applications for MEMS in industrial, automotive, and other fields will lead to a 25 percent growth in 2008 to just over 2.5 billion units. On a dollar basis, the market will grow 11 percent, to $7.8 billion. The consumer portion of the total dollar value will exceed $3.5 billion of that $7.8 billion, the study predicts. In 2012, consumer applications of MEMS will reach $7.1 billion, approximately 46 percent of a total market of $15.4 billion.
Text: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=211300215
Audio: http://i.cmpnet.com/eetimes/audio/slideshow/55/4.mp3