Smoke from reactor No. 3 at Fukushima Dai-ichi where its plutonium core is overheats more quickly than the uranium cores on the other reactors.
Just last fall, Japan renewed the license on a reactor that was 20 years old and scheduled to be decommission in 2011. Then they put plutonium in its core. These dual decisions have now put the Japanese population in peril, as its food and water become contaminated with radioactive isotopes of uranium, now its air is in peril from plutonium. If the reactor containing the plutonium blows, then the air will be laced with particles that can kill instantly in large doses, and which can cause cancer if only breathed in microscopic quantities. The worst part, is that the plutonium burns hotter, making reactor No. 3 the most dangerous of the hazards at at Fukishima Dai-ichi.
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-elal