The National Academy of Engineering on Friday (Feb. 9) elected 64 new members, including Texas Instruments Fellow Larry Hornbeck for his invention of the digital micromiror device. Also selected were: Jerry Sanders, former chairman of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (Sunnyvale, Calif.); Stuart Card, a senior research fellow at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto, Calif.); James Truchard, founder of National Instruments Inc., (Austin, Texas); Edwin Chandross, a consultant for Materials Chemistry, LLC, (Murray Hill, N.J.); John Hallquist, president, Livermore Software Technology Corp. (Livermore, Calif.); Leroy Hood, president of the Institute for Systems Biology (Seattle); Paul Horn, senior vice president of research at IBM Corp. (Yorktown Heights, N.Y.); Martin Newell of Adobe Systems Inc. (San Jose, Calif.); Thomas Stephens, group vice president at General Motors Corp. (Pontiac, Mich.).