Supercooled superconductors are already levitating trains magnetically and imaging magnetically, motivating researchers worldwide to speculate that magnetism is the common source for superconductivity. Look for room temperature superconductors by the middle of the century. R.C.J.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are citing evidence that high-temperature superconductivity derives from the same mechanisms regardless of material That finding has prompted speculation that magnetic spin excitations that couple electrons is the key ingredient for superconductivity. Spin excitations in a superconducting material's performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory support the theory that magnetic properties cause high-temperature superconductivity. High-temperature superconductivity could result in ultra-fast electronic devices that capitalize on high-speed electrons traveling in a material whose resistance has been reduced to zero. Levitating trains, ultra-sensitive sensors called superconducting quantum interference devices and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging use superconductors. Superconductor devices must be super-cooled, which relegates their use to high-end applications. If room-temperature superconductors could be perfected, then electronic devices could operate faster through electron transport without resistance.
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