Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"3D: Lasers Enable Smarter Home Theater Projector"
Smarter 3D home theaters project a 100-inch display with red, blue and green lasers for ultra-bright images at a fifth the power consumption and half the cost of plasma displays. Look for 3D laser-based HD TVs to hit the market in 2010. R.C.J.
Smarter 3D home theaters project a 100-inch display with red, blue and green lasers for ultra-bright images at a fifth the power consumption and half the cost of plasma displays, according to Los Gatos, Calif., startup, High Definition Integration Ltd (HDI). By using lasers as the source of illumination for high definition (HD) stereo 3D projectors, HDI aims to seduce the high-end home theater market with its Switchable Dynamic Video Projection Display. Rival home theater 3D systems multiplex the right and left eyes using active shutter glasses that always have one eye turned off to black, resulting in flicker. On the other hand, for HDI's Switchable Dynamic Video Projection Display you wear polarized glasses like they give you at the 3D cinema, with parallel hardware projectors simultaneously supplying both left and right polarized images to the screen. Your eyes get separate but continuous images with no flickering.
Text: http://www.smartertechnology.com/c/a/Technology-For-Change/Lasers-Enable-Smarter-Home-Theater-Projector/