The University of California at San Diego is building one of the world's largest fuel cells in hopes of generating up to 95 percent of its own power with a 2.8-MegaWatt fuel cell—the largest of its kind on a university campus. Look for corporate campuses to follow suite in 2011. R. Colin Johnson, Kyoto Prize Fellow @NextGenLog
Direct FuelCell power plants comprise three major functional elements: Electrical Balance of Plant, Mechanical Balance of Plant and Fuel Cell Modules (source: FuelCell Energy).
Here is what my Smarter Technology story said about fuel cells: One of the world's largest fuel cell arrays—2.8 MegaWatts—will be installed in San Diego's Energy Innovation Park at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) campus. FuelCell Energy (Danbury, Conn.) is installing the giant fuel cell capable of powering 2,800 homes—along with two others in the city of San Diego—to provide a renewable store of electricity. In cooperation with the city of San Diego and BioFuels Energy there, the project will turn methane from wastewater into electricity. The nearby Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant will pipeline the purified methane bio-gas to the three fuel cells constructed by FuelCell Energy...
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