Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) chips, such as the accelerometers that trigger airbags, are linked to better car sales, but are also proliferating due to government mandates for roll-over detection, electronic stability control and dozens of other safety improvements. Look for MEMS chips sales to top a billion units by 2015. R. Colin Johnson @NextGenLog
Recovery in the automotive MEMS market is complete as 2010 marks a new high point for worldwide shipments.
Automotive MEMS chip sales rebounded to a new high in 2010, 662.3 million units, surpassing the previous high mark in 2007 of 640 million units, according to a market researcher, according to iSuppli (El Segundo, Calif.) Recession-depleted inventories were replenished in 2010, prompting record growth of 32.1 percent, up from 501 million units in 2009. Growth is expected to continue at a more sustainable rate of 7.4 percent in 2011, but will reach double-digit gains again by 2014.
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-hxH8