3-D gestures are going mainstream in 2011, inspired partly by a 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology demonstration of how a layer of photodiodes to the backside of a liquid-crystal display lets the LCD recognize hand gestures made in front of the screen.
Here is what my EETimes story says about gesture recognition: This could be the year 3-D gesture recognition proves it’s not just child’s play. Several years after its first consumer market appearance in the wireless gaming interface for Nintendo’s Wii, MEMS sensor-based gesture recognition is extending its reach to smartphones and is set to take hold of that most iconic of consumer interfaces: the TV remote. Since the Wii’s 2006 release, Nintendo’s competitors have spun their own versions of 3-D gesture recognition and processing. Sony tuned the Move Playstation controller for hard-core gamers seeking pinpoint accuracy; Microsoft took the gaming interface hands-free with the Xbox Kinect.

Movea's Gesture Builder allows original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to design their own gestures an includes a run-time library for devices that allow users to define their own gestures.
Apple was the first to pick up on microelectromechanical sensors’ potential for building more intuitive smartphone interfaces; it added MEMS accelerometers to the iPhone in 2007 and a MEMS gyroscope in 2010. Its competitors have followed suit, and soon 3-D commands such as shake-to-undo, lift-to-answer and face-down-to-disconnect will be standard smartphone fare...
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-eOnM