Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of an ultrabright fluorescent mesoporous silica nanoparticle (image colored artificially to match the actual color of the dye in the particles).
Here is what my EETimes story says about silica nanoparticles: The crown for the world's brightest nanoparticles has been claimed by the inventor of mesoporous silicon-dioxide (silica) nanoparticles, which have proven to be 34-times brighter than the brightest quantum dots—previously the world's brightest nanoparticles. The transparent silicon-dioxide hulls harbored fluorescent nanoparticles inside—rather than use quantum-confinement like quantum dots—enabling much brighter operation, according to their inventors at Clarkson University (Potsdam, New York)...
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-dKP7