Pirates and trial-users are treated the same by this stealth software that tracks apps and "phones home" to report usage patterns to V.i. Labs. Look for more applications to report your uses of their software with the aim of selling you a license (and if you don't buy one, shutting down your unlicensed copy). R.C.J.
A new software-as-a-service version of the CodeArmor anti-piracy app from Vi Laboratories Inc. (Waltham, Mass.) tracks both legal and illegal users of an independent software vendor's applications, reporting to ISVs daily on users' whereabouts and on which software features are most popular. ISVs looking to gauge the real extent to which piracy is affecting their business can find out for as little as $3,000 with the SaaS version of CodeArmor Intelligence. They can also use the SaaS to optimize their feature sets, as well as exploit both pirated versions and trial copies of their software as actionable business leads by communicating licensing offers to the copies' users...
Full Text: http://bit.ly/NextGenLog-9QIS