Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Face of Online Journalism Revealed for $2.7 million :)

The new face of online journalism will be revealed by virtue of $2.7 million in awards for the world's most innovative ways to supply web-based news to users worldwide. Look for Tilemapping, DocumentCloud and other new buzzwords to revolutionize news delivery over the next five years. R.C.J.

Here's what Knight New says about the winners of its contest: Twelve media innovation projects have been named the 2010 winners of the Knight News Challenge, a contest that funds ideas that use digital technology to inform specific geographic communities. The winners will receive $2.74 million as part of the fourth round of the five-year international contest. Among the winning ideas are two easy-to-use tool sets for journalists and bloggers to illustrate raw data visually – one of the most promising new areas of digital journalism. One project (Tilemapping) was field-tested in Haiti, to map where aid was needed after the earthquake...Other winning projects include experiments to: Find new ways to fund journalism – including tools to create “real time ads” that display a business’ latest Twitter or Facebook update. Another, building on 2008 challenge winner Spot.Us, provides a place for the public to pitch and pay for stories on public radio; Engage readers in new ways – with a mobile application that enables residents to geo-tag ideas for improving their neighborhood, and via local wikis, based on a successful California site where residents exchange local knowledge and news...Over the Challenge’s four years, Knight Foundation has reviewed 10,000 applications and funded 50 projects for $23 million...
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