Smart grid infrastructure will take a decade to build out, but the result will be transparent energy efficiency that does not require consumers to learn complex management techniques, according to panelist here at the Freescale Technology Forum. Look for coordinated smart grid efforts from utilities, smart meter makers and electric appliance makers--including electric cars--over the rest of the decade. R.C.J.
Moderated by Freescale Senior Vice President Henri Richard, panel included Andres Carvallo, executive vice president of Grid Net, Britta Gross, director global energy systems at General Motors, Suresh Boyal, a distinguished technical staff member of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs and John Knoght global technical program manager for Whirlpool's Smart Grid Program. Panelest agreed that the model of knowledge distribution, the smart grid should likewise remove the necessity for deep thinking from energy efficiency efforts. The smart grid, according to the panel moderated by Freescale Senior Vice President Henri Richard, involves not only the electrical distribution system and smart meters, but also the devices that will be drawing the power. In a coordinated effort of electricity suppliers, local distribution networks and manufactures of appliances and electric cars, within 10 years most of the U.S. will become optimally energy efficient, according to panel members, who maintained that it is necessary to remove the manual control proposed by Intel from the equation
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